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Phase 1 ✨
Can They Prove the Debt is Valid?
This is where everyone starts.
In Phase 1, you’ll gain insights and tools to help evaluate your debt and understand if it aligns with your rights as a consumer.
Phase 2 ✨
Is It Time To Demand Or Press The Issue A Bit?
If the debt qualifies and isn’t addressed during Phase 1, you can move to Phase 2 for additional tools and guidance.
Phase 3 ✨
Is It Time To Talk Settlement?
If the debt isn’t addressed during Phase 2, you can move to Phase 3 for additional tools and guidance.
Phase 4 ✨
Is It Time To Create A Plan To Handle This Debt?
If the debt isn’t addressed during Phase 3, you can move to Phase 4 for additional tools and guidance.
Phase 4 is technically the final phase...
Phase 5 ✨
Enjoy Your Victory!
This phase could be the start of something amazing if you choose it.
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